We understand that for those struggling to pay their water bill it can be a particularly anxious time, so to make sure we’re helping where we can we measure our performance in this area.
To understand this, we surveyed 2,400 customers who:
- Have self-identified as struggling to pay
- Have been referred to us from a third party due to financial circumstances
- Are on the Social Tariff
- Are on the WaterSure Tariff
- Have been identified by ourselves or third parties as at risk of struggling to pay
Although this was a new measure for 2020/21, we have surveyed customers previously and the target was set following our performance between July 2017 and March 2018, from that position we have built our targets. Customers were asked to rate their satisfaction with us out of five and in 2023/24 our target was to reach a score of 4.5.
How have we performed?
We were close to achieving this target, achieving 4.3 out of five. This was up 0.1 year-over-year but remains below our target score.
More than three in four customers who responded to the survey said the additional support or services made a positive difference to their financial situation. This increases to over 80 per cent when talking specifically about our Social Tariff, WaterSure and financial advice offered by our customer service team.