Thriving environment

Our business is intrinsically linked to the environment as we rely on it for our raw product, water. For this reason we do all we can to ensure there is a clean, resilient and sustainable supply available for current and future water customers whilst ensuring there is enough water available to support the needs of the environment too. Click 'Discover More' to find out more from our Head of Environment, Emma Goddard.

Low carbon sustainable business

We’re committed to playing our part to tackle the causes of climate change and transitioning to low-carbon operations, achieving net zero by 2030. Click ‘Discover more’ to find out more from our Carbon Strategy and Economic Manager, Matt Hersey.

Securing the future of water

Resilient water resources are needed to ensure we have enough water to supply our customers into the future, while ensuring enough remains in the environment so habitats can thrive. Click ‘Discover more’ to find out more from our Head of Water Resources, Nick Price.

Future ready business

Our people are dedicated to providing you with the best service possible, whether they’re out in the field searching for leaks, managing our operational sites, testing the quality of your water or answering your queries. Each and every person within the business is dedicated to delivering you the safe reliable tap water supply you expect. Click 'Discover more' to find out more from our Head of HR, Sian Jenkins.

Last updated 10-07-24

One method we use to understand how we are performing is the industry wide Customer Measure of Experience (C-MeX). 

This measure uses a research agency to undertake surveys every three months to gather your views in two areas:

  • Satisfaction of customer service – a survey of those customers who have been in contact with us
  • Satisfaction of customer experience – a random customer survey to understand their general experience of us

During both surveys customers are asked how satisfied they are with the service they receive from us and whether they’d recommend us to family or friends.

The results of these surveys are combined to give an overall score out of 100.

We have not been set a specific target to reach, however we are striving to continuously improve our scores.

How have we performed?

Our customer service score for 2023/24 was 68.61 and our customer experience score was 73.01 resulting in our combined score for the year of 70.81 out of 100.

As a company we must offer at least five different ways for you to contact us, including three online. If we don’t meet this requirement, we have points deducted from our overall score Following customer feedback we now offer you nine different ways in which you can contact us:

You can reach us via:

  • Telephone
  • SMS Inbound
  • Letter
  • In person
  • Live Chat
  • Social media
  • Email
  • Webforms through MyAccount and feedback forms
  • Website

Following Ofwat’s review of the industry we were once again placed 15 out of 17 water companies resulting in an underperformance payment of approximately £1.104 million*.

For further information on our customer experience performance please see our Customer Satisfaction measures

*Based on pre-price adjustment figures from Ofwat. 

Case Studies

A water treatment works under construction

Investment in action

AquaAlerter graphic showing an sms text message alert

AquAlerter improves our customer communication during incidents

Donation to Leeds and Broomfield Primary School to support their minibus

Communicating the pipeline improvements

South East Water worker on a street

Our Service Commitment Plan

Find out how we're working to improve our performance