Thriving environment

Our business is intrinsically linked to the environment as we rely on it for our raw product, water. For this reason we do all we can to ensure there is a clean, resilient and sustainable supply available for current and future water customers whilst ensuring there is enough water available to support the needs of the environment too. Click 'Discover More' to find out more from our Head of Environment, Emma Goddard.

Low carbon sustainable business

We’re committed to playing our part to tackle the causes of climate change and transitioning to low-carbon operations, achieving net zero by 2030. Click ‘Discover more’ to find out more from our Carbon Strategy and Economic Manager, Matt Hersey.

Securing the future of water

Resilient water resources are needed to ensure we have enough water to supply our customers into the future, while ensuring enough remains in the environment so habitats can thrive. Click ‘Discover more’ to find out more from our Head of Water Resources, Nick Price.

Future ready business

Our people are dedicated to providing you with the best service possible, whether they’re out in the field searching for leaks, managing our operational sites, testing the quality of your water or answering your queries. Each and every person within the business is dedicated to delivering you the safe reliable tap water supply you expect. Click 'Discover more' to find out more from our Head of HR, Sian Jenkins.

Introduction by Emma Goddard, Head of Environment

The environment is integral to everything we do and our 25-year Environment Plan sets out how we will protect and enhance the natural environment for future generations through investment, innovation, engagement and partnerships.

We’ve outperformed our year four target for biodiversity and improved another 136.09 hectares of company-owned land to benefit wildlife and biodiversity. This brings the total area proactively managed for biodiversity to 1,650 hectares, exceeding the target by 190 hectares. 76 per cent of our land is now managed for biodiversity – up from 54 per cent in 2020.

In August we launched our long-term plan for protecting environmentally sensitive areas (Delivery of our Environmental Destination) and this forms an integral part of our WRMP24 and PR24 business plan.

In the past year we’ve worked with farmers and land managers in priority areas to part-fund rainwater harvesting systems and provide water efficiency advice. This eases pressure on our tap network and boosts resilience, but also helps prevent soil, nutrients and chemicals running off into rivers during downpours. We’ve organised workshops and conducted cover crop trials with farmers and successfully engaged with landowners who manage 13,764 hectares.

We’re collaborating on a ground-breaking Nature Recovery Project to create a new super National Nature Reserve in the South Downs to protect the quality and quantity of raw groundwater. This is part of the King’s Series of National Nature Reserves to enhance biodiversity and climate resilience through well connected and wildlife-rich habitats.

Working with others, we’ve planted 12,637 trees over the past year. We’ve also invested in enhanced biosecurity protocols at our reservoirs, including a boat washdown at Ardingly, to reduce the risk of spreading invasive non-native species (INNS) to protected species and important habitats and prevent damage to infrastructure. We’re using eDNA survey techniques to better understand the risks of invasive mussel species in an INNS monitoring programme at our reservoirs. Cutting edge techniques are also being used in catchments, with drones providing detailed data across a wide area about leaks on infrastructure and on customers’ supplies, and on water features that pose a potential pollution risk.

Our Catchment team has worked on an industry-leading project to tackle road run-off pollution by mapping the best places to install nature-based solutions to tackle pollution before it reaches rivers. We’ve now funded an expansion of the project and we’re delighted that a second environmental apprentice has joined our team.

The team’s had a special report into the effectiveness of cover crops in reducing nitrates in the Hampshire Chalk catchment published by The Geological Society. The paper documents the work we’ve been doing to reduce nitrates entering the chalk aquifer by up to 80 per cent.

We’re working hard to make sure we enhance as well as protect wildlife wherever possible. Working with conservation groups, we’ve made a positive difference to many species and their habitats over the past year, including butterflies, beavers, water voles, wart-biter bush crickets and bumblebees.

Our key measures

Engaging and working with landowners

Protecting wildlife and increasing biodiversity

Water Industry National Environment Programme

Delivery of Water Industry National Environment Programme (WINEP)

Bespoke Abstraction Incentive Mechanism (AIM)

Engaging and working with abstractors to improve catchment resilience to low flows

KPI – Number of breaches of abstraction licences, discharge consents and environmental permits

KPI – Number of pollution incidents (category 1 – 2)

For previous years reports, click here.


Number of pollution incidents (category 1 - 2)

As a key guardian of the south east’s environment, we expect ourselves to be compliant with all environmental regulations and to have zero pollution incidents.


Number of breaches of abstraction licences, environmental discharge consents

One of our key aims is to leave the environment in a better state than today so it can be enjoyed for generations to come.

Working with abstractors

Engaging and working with abstractors to improve catchment resilience to low flows

We are one of many businesses that take water from the environment and we work with local farmers and landowners who also abstract water, to plan how they can be more water efficient benefitting both themselves and the environment.


Bespoke Abstraction Incentive Mechanism (AIM)

We see ourselves as guardians of the environment and a key part of that is maintaining and enhancing the natural world around us.

Arlington Reservoir

Delivery of Water Industry National Environment Programme (WINEP)

The Water Industry National Improvement Programme is focused on enhancing the natural environment and for this measure between 2020 and 2025 we must deliver 65 improvement schemes.


Water Industry National Environment Programme

The statutory Water Industry National Environment Programme (WINEP) is centred on enhancing the natural environment and ensuring any water we take does not have a negative impact on the environment.

Arlington Reservoir

Protecting wildlife and increasing biodiversity

We are committed to providing biodiversity net gains on our sites through our ongoing conservation work during the 2020 to 2025 period.

Working with landowners

Engaging and working with landowners

In areas of land which have been identified as being at risk of raw water deterioration, our target is to successfully engage with farmers and landowners.