Business properties which are void are those which are connected to mains water and/or sewerage systems but are not charged because they are recorded as empty.
We are keen to reduce the number of these properties by identifying those that are actually occupied.
Based on our previous performance, we set ourselves the 2023/24 target to maintain the number of void business properties at 8.10 per cent.
How have we performed?
The number of void business properties is at 10.54 per cent and we are ranked fifth in the industry for the lowest number of vacant properties.
This is still above target, but we have agreed with Ofwat that we will be assessed at the end of the 2020/25 period due to the impact of Covid-19 and the resulting impact on the economic climate.
We are continuing to reduce this figure and work to identify properties which have become occupied each year. We do this through a series of mail shots to vacant properties ensuring that when a new occupier arrives they know to contact their Retailer and set up an account. This work is supported by our dedicated project team which undertakes both desk top assessment and field visits to locate newly occupied properties.
Our staff, many of whom live across our supply area, continue to get involved too using the PikaVoid app.
The app can be voluntarily downloaded onto phones and staff mark whether a property is empty or occupied while out and about.
This year we are launching our Wholesaler meter reading service to support Retailers and business customers to ensure they are receiving an accurate bill, but also help identify any vacant properties which have become occupied.
We are aware the current economic climate is putting pressure on small businesses and a number of commercial organisations are relocating out of town centres to other locations which is temporarily impacting the number of vacant properties.