We see ourselves as guardians of the environment which goes hand-in-hand with our statutory Water Industry National Environment Programme (WINEP).
The programme is centred on enhancing the natural environment and ensuring any water we take does not have a negative impact on the environment. For this specific WINEP measure we must deliver 60 improvement schemes between 2020 and 2025.
This metric measures compliance with the requirements of the WINEP and we are committed to delivering each of the requirements in line with our specific statutory deadline.
This new performance target is limited to the 59 schemes classified by the Environment Agency as having ‘Green’ status as of 1 April 2019 as well as the Bewl to Darwell Transfer scheme (reference 7SE200012).
How have we performed?
Following agreed changes to the scheme deadlines, no WINEP schemes were delivered during 2023/24. The remainder of our WINEP schemes are due to be delivered during 2024/25.
Work has taken place throughout the year to prepare for delivering our Restoring Sustainable Abstraction schemes during 2024/25, this included ecological surveys, investigations and outline design reports.
The delivery of our six ground water schemes and six surface water projects are all on track to meet their 2024/25 delivery dates.