Thriving environment

Our business is intrinsically linked to the environment as we rely on it for our raw product, water. For this reason we do all we can to ensure there is a clean, resilient and sustainable supply available for current and future water customers whilst ensuring there is enough water available to support the needs of the environment too. Click 'Discover More' to find out more from our Head of Environment, Emma Goddard.

Low carbon sustainable business

We’re committed to playing our part to tackle the causes of climate change and transitioning to low-carbon operations, achieving net zero by 2030. Click ‘Discover more’ to find out more from our Carbon Strategy and Economic Manager, Matt Hersey.

Securing the future of water

Resilient water resources are needed to ensure we have enough water to supply our customers into the future, while ensuring enough remains in the environment so habitats can thrive. Click ‘Discover more’ to find out more from our Head of Water Resources, Nick Price.

Future ready business

Our people are dedicated to providing you with the best service possible, whether they’re out in the field searching for leaks, managing our operational sites, testing the quality of your water or answering your queries. Each and every person within the business is dedicated to delivering you the safe reliable tap water supply you expect. Click 'Discover more' to find out more from our Head of HR, Sian Jenkins.

Last updated 10-07-24

We are committed to ensuring there is enough water for both our customers, as well as the environment.

We are one of many businesses that take water from the environment, but because of our unique position and expertise, we work with local farmers and landowners who also abstract water, to plan how they can be more water efficient benefitting both themselves and the environment.

Two catchments, River Cuckmere and River Stour, have been identified as a focus, and our target is to successfully engage with local abstractors through uptake of one or more of the following:

  • Water efficiency audit and advice package
  • Training package (related to water efficiency, water application, sustainable water use)
  • Calibration tests (related to irrigation, pumps etc)
  • Involvement in crop trials/other trials to improve knowledge in water demand management/water efficiency/water harvesting and storage;
  • Provision of payments to use alternatives to reduce water demand or to fix water leakage; and
  • Provision of payments for Ecosystem Services to improve farm infrastructure (to provide resilience by storing water on the farm, investment in grey water/reuse systems, measure actual abstraction and impact on flows, farm improvement to slow water flow and improve recharge).

How have we performed?

Work in year four has continued to focus on the engagement of license holders to understand their current activities and to offer water efficiency support.

During 2023-24 two site visits were completed in the River Cuckmere which means all license holders in the catchment have now been successfully engaged.

In the Little Stour, two site visits were completed during 2023-24 bringing the total number of abstraction license holders engaged in this period (2020-25) to five.

This additional engagement now means we have outperformed the 2025 target set by Ofwat for both catchments.

Year five of this reporting period will focus on the continued roll out of our engagement programme in both catchments and delivering further specialist technical advice.

You can find out more about our environmental work here.


Case Studies

cows next to a water trough

Working with farmers to improve water quality