Making sure our sites can continue to operate following extremes of weather is vital to help ensure the resilience of your water supply.
One of those weather extremes is flooding.
By 2024/25 we have committed to protecting 92 of our sites from flooding with less than a 1/1000 Annual Exceedance Probability. If we do not meet this target an underperformance payment due in 2024/25.
How have we performed?
We have now surveyed 97 of our sites and completed work at 31 sites to bring them up to the standard of protection needed.
The surveys showed that 26 of the sites were already protected to a 1:1000 flood event, meaning there is adequate protection of all our assets within those sites.
We have achieved 59 sites out of the target of 92 sites. We know what work is required at the remaining sites so that this work can be planned in – however this is likely to be achieved after our original March 2025 target date.