It is extremely important to us that you receive a water supply with adequate water pressure behind it.
This means our customers can shower and flush toilets etc without issue.
Measured by properties for every 10,000 connections, our target, which is based on previous performance, is to have a maximum of 0.5 properties at risk of low pressure.
How have we performed?
Our performance in the year was higher than target with 1.85 properties per 10,000 being at risk of low pressure.
When a property is identified as at risk an investigation review is undertaken to find and decide what solution should be carried out to help prevent the pressure dropping below acceptable levels. The solution could be changes to local pipework or installing a booster pump to increase the pressure to the property.
The performance seen in the year has resulted in a £1.120m underperformance payment. We have schemes planned for the financial year 2024-2025 to reduce this and improve pressures to a number of customers.